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CONTENTSReviews Nikiforova T.E., Bagrovskaya N.A., Kozlov V.A., Lilin S.A. SORPTION PROPERTIES AND THE NATURE OF INTERACTION OF CELLULOSE CONTAINING POLYMERS WITH METAL IONS СОРБЦИОННЫЕ СВОЙСТВА И ПРИРОДА ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЯ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗОСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ПОЛИМЕРОВ С ИОНАМИ МЕТАЛЛОВ 6 Кинетика щелочной деструкции препаратов лигнина и лигнин-углеводного комплекса в водных растворах высокоосновных органических растворителей 16 Поведение лигнина в смешанном растворителе диметилсульфоксид – вода 20 ПРОТОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА ДИОКСАНЛИГНИНА ЕЛИ В СМЕСЯХ ВОДЫ С АЦЕТОНИТРИЛОМ 24 ПОЛИМОЛЕКУЛЯРНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ ЛИГНОСУЛЬФОНАТОВ НАТРИЯ, ХИТОЗАНА И ПОЛИЭТИЛЕНПОЛИАМИНА 31 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ОБЕССМОЛИВАЮЩИХ ВЕЩЕСТВ ПРИ ВАРКЕ ЛИСТВЕННОЙ СУЛЬФАТНОЙ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ 39 ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ МАРГАНЦА В ЗОЛЕ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗНЫХ ПОЛУФАБРИКАТОВ И ЕГО ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ПРОЦЕССЫ ОТБЕЛКИ ЦЕЛЛЮЛОЗЫ ПЕРОКСИДОМ ВОДОРОДА 45 Карбонизация порошковой целлюлозы, модифицированной диоксидами кремния и циркония 51 ОКИСЛИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕВРАЩЕНИЯ 3-МЕТИЛ-p-МЕНТЕНА 56 ТЕРПЕНОВЫЕ ЛИГАНДЫ КАК ОСНОВА КАТАЛИТИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ ДЛЯ АСИММЕТРИЧЕСКОГО ОКИСЛЕНИЯ ФЕНИЛФЕНАЦИЛСУЛЬФИДА 62 ИЗУЧЕНИЕ РЕАКЦИИ АЦИЛИРОВАНИЯ КАМФЕНА УКСУСНЫМ АНГИДРИДОМ ПО РЕАКЦИИ ФРИДЕЛЯ-КРАФТСА 70 ФАРМАКОГНОСТИЧЕСКОЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ НАДЗЕМНОЙ ЧАСТИ ШЛЕМНИКА БАЙКАЛЬСКОГО (SCUTELLARIA BAICALENSIS GEORGI) 77 Сравнительное исследование химического состава надземной части некоторых видов рода Hypericum L. 83 Исследование спиртового экстракта почек тополя бальзамического 87 методики качественного и количественного анализа суммы сложных эфиров из корней Ferula tenuisecta 93 Фитохимическое изучение шрота Artemisia pontica L. флоры Сибири 97 Анализ экстрактов шалфея, полученных сверхкритической углекислотной экстракцией 101 Сезонная динамика фенольных соединений в лубе и хвое сосны обыкновенной и кедра сибирского в посадках различной густоты 107 Определение содержания биологически активных веществ в плодах облепихи Дагестанских популяций 113 ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ВИТАМИНОВ И БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИ АКТИВНЫХ ВЕЩЕСТВ В РАСТИТЕЛЬНЫХ ЭКСТРАКТАХ РАЗЛИЧНЫМИ МЕТОДАМИ 117 СНИЖЕНИЕ КОНЦЕНТРАЦИИ ТОКОФЕРОЛОВ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОКИСЛЕНИЯ ЖИРНЫХ МАСЕЛ 121 Интродукция некоторых перспективных лекарственных и эфиромасличных растений в Мардакянском дендрарии 126 Кинетические законамерности окисления лецитина ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ЗОЛЯ ВОДНЫХ ИЗВЛЕЧЕНИЙ ЧАГИ. XII. ОСАЖДЕНИЕ ДИСПЕРСНОЙ ФАЗЫ ВОДНОГО ИЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ ЧАГИ ПРИ ИЗМЕНЕНИИ рН СРЕДЫ 137 АМИНОКИСЛОТНЫЙ СОСТАВ БЕЛКОВ НАДЗЕМНОЙ ЧАСТИ Orthilia secunda (L.) 143 ЭЛЕМЕНТНЫЙ СОСТАВ ЛИШАЙНИКОВ Р. CETRARIA ACH. ИЗ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ РЕГИОНОВ РОССИИ 147 НЕОРГАНИЧЕСКИЕ КОМПОНЕНТЫ СОЛОМЫ И ШЕЛУХИ ОВСА 153 Защитная эффективность рапсового масла и продуктов его рафинирования в условиях атмосферной коррозии 159 ВЛИЯНИЕ АРАБИНОГАЛАКТАНА, ВЫДЕЛЕННОГО ИЗ ДРЕВЕСИНЫ ЛИСТВЕННИЦЫ СИБИРСКОЙ, НА ХЛЕБОПЕКАРНЫЕ ДОСТОИНСТВА МУКИ МЯГКОЙ ПШЕНИЦЫ И КАЧЕСТВО ХЛЕБА 167 АНАЛИЗ СИЛОВОГО ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЯ НА ВОЛОКНО ПРИ РАЗМОЛЕ В ДИСКОВЫХ МЕЛЬНИЦАХ С НОЖАМИ КРИВОЛИНЕЙНОЙ ФОРМЫ 174 О производстве актиномицетов для лесовосстановления 181 ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ДЗЕТА-ПОТЕНЦИАЛА И КАТИОННОЙ ПОТРЕБНОСТИ ВОЛОКНИСТЫХ ПОЛУФАБРИКАТОВ 185 Альфа Иванович Михайлов 193 Алексей Федорович Гоготов 195 Краткий обзор тематики диссертаций, защищенных в диссертационном совете Д 212.253.01 в 2008 г. 197 Авторский указатель №1 (2009) 199 Сведения об авторах 201 CONTENTS 209 Nikiforova T.E., Bagrovskaya N.A., Kozlov V.A., Lilin S.A. SORPTION PROPERTIES AND THE NATURE OF INTERACTION OF CELLULOSE CONTAINING POLYMERS WITH METAL IONS Importance of the information on metal ions sorption by cellulose containing sorbents is caused by necessity of decision of concrete practical problems (for example, purification of industrial sewage, preparation of water or purification of food systems) choosing the optimum sorption conditions and materials meeting such requirements, as cheapness and availability of a raw-material base, high velocity and selectivity of metal ions sorption, possibility of regeneration and a reuse of sorbents, their recycling, purposeful chemical or physical modifying, etc. The purpose of the work is generalization of experimental data available in the literature on metal ions sorption by various cellulose containing polymeric materials from water solutions of their salts and determination of possible mechanisms of metal ions binding by cellulose sorbents. The carried out analysis of the literature sources allows making a conclusion on participation of various functional groups of cellulose sorbents in metal ions binding on a surface of sorbents. Among possible mechanisms of metal ions binding by cellulose containing materials there are specify an ionic exchange and complex formation with participation of carboxyl and hydroxyl group, and also physical adsorption. Kiryushina M.F., Fedulina T.G., Zarubin M.Ya. The kinetics of alkaline degradation of isolated lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complex in aqueous solutions of organic solvents with high basicity This article deals with the study of degradation kinetics of spruce milled wood lignin (MWLspr), dioxan lignin (DLspr) and lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCCspr) by sodium hydroxide solutions in water and mixtures of water-methanol and water-DMSO at 120, 140 and 170 °C during 120 min. The rate of lignin degradation was determined by the increase of phenolic hydroxyls content in the reaction mixture at every 15 min of heating. The average values of rate constants (Kaver) and the activation energies (Ea) in indicated above conditions are given. It is established that the solvents with high basicity decrease significantly the activation energy of lignin alkaline degradation. Keywords: Lignin, lignin-carbohydrate complex, alkaline degradation, organic solvents, rate and activation energy. Skrebez T.E., Bogolizin K.G. Lignin behavior in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixed solvent Hydrodynamic lignin behavior in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixed solvent has been investigated under temperature range 20–60 °C and water content from 0 to 30% with viscosimetry method. It was established that thermodynamic solvent quality decreased when temperature increased, so researched system has lower critical temperature of dissolution. The size of lignin particles in mixed solvent decreases when water part grows. Keywords: lignine, water, dimethylsulfoxide, mixed solvent, viscosimetry, quality of solvent, particle size. Kosyakov D.S., Khviyuzov S.S., Gorbova N.S., Bogolitsyn K.G. Protolytic properties of spruce Dioxanlignin in the mixtures of water with acetonitrile The pKa values of the three types of phenolic structural fragments of fir Dioxanlignin in the mixtures of water with acetonitrile in the solvent composition range 0–90% are determined by UV-spectrophotometric potentiometric titration method. Using the linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) concept the contributions of different solute-solvent interactions into the acidity alteration are calculated. Keywords: Lignin, acidity constants, spectrophotometric titration, acetonitrile. Brovko O.S., Palamarhuk I.A., Makarevich N.A., Boitsova T.A. POLYMOLECULAR CHARACTERISTICS OF SODIUM LIGNOSULFONATE, CHITOZANE AND POLYETHYLENPOLYAMINE The hydrodynamic, molecular and conformational properties of sodium lignosulfonate, chitozane and polyethylenpolyamine in solutions have been studied by viscosimetry, laser correlation spectroscopy and ultracentrifugation methods. Conformational properties of sodium lignosulfonates macromolecules are determined by presence of the charged groups and branching. On parameters of thermodynamic flexibility of sodium lignosulfonates macromolecules belong to polymers with a hard chain. Chitozane macromolecules were shown to be simulated by partially permeable persistent chain and belong to polymers with hard chain. Features of hydrodynamic behaviour of polyethylenpolyamine macromolecules in solution allow relating polyethylenpolyamine to linear flexible chain polymers with very weak intermolecular interaction. Keywords: lignosulfonate, chitosan, UV-spectroscopy, IR-spectroscopy, сomplex, viscosity, surface tension, cooperative interaction, sulfo-groups, amino-groups. Kovtun Т.N., Khakimov R.R. Deresination Agents using during foliferous sulfate pulping The nonionic surfactants Neonol AF 9 12, OS 20 and sulfate pulp production by product as deresination additives during birch sulfate pulping was used and the results are shown. It is also shown that total and harmful pitch reduction effect in sulfate pulp are the most in the nonionic surfactant OS 20 presence during pulping. Keywords: sulphate cellulose, pulp cooking, tall oil, neonol. Rasova O.V., Matveev U.S., Demin V.A. THE CONTENT OF IONS OF MANGANESE IN ASH OF PULP SEMI- PRODUCTS The spectrofotometric method of analysis of manganese’s ions in deciduous and coniferous cellulose has been studied on different stages making it into paper. The ions manganese’s influence on the bleaching cellulose into peroxide hydrogen was uncovered. Keywords: manganese, peroxide hydrogen, bleaching of cellulose. Shishmakov A.B., Mikushina Yu.V., Koryakova O.V., Valova M.S., Ageev M.A., Petrov L.A. СARBONIZATION POWDER CELLULOSE MODIFIED BY SILICON AND ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDES By introduction of connections of metals in a cellulose matrix with the subsequent additional thermal processing carbon materials representing sorbents which can be used as carriers of catalysts are received. Studying of the processes occurring to cellulose-inorganic materials at their thermal processing, promotes development of methods of the directed synthesis of carbon composites with the set properties. Results of oxidative transformations of 3-methyl-p-menthene in various variants of reactions of ozonolysis-reduction, epoxidation, dihydroxylation, allylic oxidation and bromination are submitted. Keywords: 3-methyl-p-menthene, ozonolysis-reduction, epoxidation, cis- and trans-dihydroxylation, allylic oxidation and bromination. Kutchin A.V., Ashikhmina E.V., Rubtsova S.A., Dvornikova I.A. The terpenes ligands is the base of catalytic systems for the asymmetric oxidation of phenylFENacyl sulfide For the first time the terpenes ligands (1S, 2S, 5S)-3-[(2-[(2-gidroksibenziliden)amino] ethyl)imino]-2,6,6-trimetilbitsiklo[3.1.1]heptane-2-ol and 3-((2-[(2-hydroxy-2,6,6-trimetilbitsiklo[3.1.1]hepta-3-ilido)amino]ethyl)imino)-2,6,6-trimetilbitsiklo[3.1.1]heptane-2-ol were obtained. The efficiency of complexes on the basis terpen and salen ligands in asymmetric sulfoxidation was compared. The catalytic systems on the basis terpen ligands were used for the asymmetric oxidation of phenylfenacyl sulfide. The maximum enantiomeric excesses of phenylfenacyl sulfoxide were 47%. Keywords: terpenes, ligand, catalytic systems, chiral Schiff base, asymmetric oxidation, sulfoxidation, fenilfenacyl sulfide, titanium tetraisopropoxide, acetylacetonate vanadium (IV), chlorine dioxide. Fleisher V.L., Lamotkin S.A., Vyglazov O.G., Chujko V.A. Studying of acylation camphene reaction by acetic anhydride on reaction of Fridel-Crafts In this work it has been investigated the process of camphene acylation by acetic anhydride at the presence of catalysts of the various natures: Lewis's acid and the proton catalyst. It is proved, that acylation products are isobornylacetate and acetylcamphene, and the use of the sour catalyst allows increasing considerably an output of acetylcamphene in comparison with chloride zinc in two times. It is offered the probable mechanism of camphene acylation on Friedel-Crafts and kinetic characteristics are designed. The analysis of acetylcamphene smell has allowed coming to a conclusion on perspectivity of its use at creation of aromas of rosin-spicy direction. Keywords: Camphene, acetylcamphene, structure, spectral properties, flavour characteristic Chirikova N.K., Olennikov D.N., Tankhaeva L.M. PHARMACOGNOSTIC IVESTIGATION OF AERIAL PART OF SCULLCAP (SCUTELLARIA BAICALENSIS GEORGI) It is carried out pharmacognostic research of an aerial part of skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Lamiaceae). In a course merchandising analysis the basic parameters of S. baicalensis quality are revealed. Studying of a chemical compound is shown presence of organic acids, free carbohydrates, polysaccharides, amino acids, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, tannins, photosynthetic pigments, lipids and triterpene compounds. Presence of the expressed antiradical activity (DPPH-assay) at ethylacetate- and ethanol-fractions of aerial part S. baicalensis is revealed. Keywords: Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, pharmacognosy, merchandising analysis, radical-scavenging activity. Pravdivtseva O.E., Kurkin V.A. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE CHEMICAL CONTENT OF THE AERIAL PARTS OF THE SOME SPECIES OF Hypericum There was substantiated the expediency of the standardization of the St. John's wort herbs (Hypericum perforatum L.) by the definition of two groups of biologically active compounds - flavonoids (calculated on rutin) and anthracenderivatives (calculated on hypericin). By using of the developing methodic there were analyzed the range of examples of aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L. in various period of vegetation of plant and in various regions. The high content of total flavonoids was observed in the case of flowers (6,93%) and leaves (5,90%), whereas anthracenderivatives are localized predominantly in the flowers (0,810 %) (the beginning of flowering). The relationship of the total flavonoids to the total anthracenderivatives in the raw material independently of the region of the growth of plant composes approximately 10:1. The comparative study of chemical composition of the of examples of aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L., Hypericum olympicum L., Hypericum ascyron L., Hypericum androsaemum L., Hypericum maculatum Crantz. (Hypericum quadrangulum L.), cultivated in Samara Garden, there was shown the significant differences in the content of dominating biologically active compounds. Keywords: St.-John’s wort, Hypericum L., Hypericum perforatum L., flavonoids, anthracenderivatives, rutin, hypericin. Isaeva E.V., Lozhkina G.A., Ryazanova T.V. Research of an alcoholic extract of poplar balsam nephroses In the present work with use of chromatographic and spectral methods of analysis composition of materials of poplar balsam nephroses, solvable in ethanol is defined. It is shown, that a basic group of alcoholic extract substances are neutral materials, more than 60 % which compound acylglicerides and a ethers of sterines. As a part of an alcoholic extract are found also sesquiterpenes and flavanoids - the materials possessing the antimicrobial action. A findings of investigation testifies to possibility of use of poplar balsam nephroses, as raw materials for reception of drugs of a various orientation. Kotenko L.D., Khalilov R.M., Mamatkhanov A.U. Quality and quantities methods of analysis of the sum of esters from Ferula tenuisecta roots The methods of quality determination of the sum of esters in Ferula tenuisecta roots and quantitive determination of the sum of ester in the ferulen substance were elaborated. The technological parameters of the sum of esters extraction process from ferula roots were studied. It is found, that for this process the size of raw material and concentration of ethanol must be 2–6 mm and 95% accordingly. On the base of esters a new medical preparation «Ferulen» was designed. In the result of carried out experiments the technology of ferulen preparation was obtained. We revealed that most loss of sum esters observe during treatment with potash. Keywords: Ferulen, ester, technology, extraction, chromatographic purification, ferula tenuisecta, methods of analyses. Makarova D.L., Hanina M.A. The phytochemical study of husk of Artemisia pontica L. from Western Siberia Artemisia pontica L. – is a plant, which is growing wild in different regions of the Western Siberia. After process of receiving of essential oil remaking get basic products – husk. The aim of work was phytochemical study of husk for further standardization and to obtain medicines and food supplements. Methods of investigation. For the qualitative composition study of phenolocarbonic acids and flavonoids were performed by TLC (SiO2) and paper chromatography. For the quantitative determination of compounds was performed by spectrophotometry and chromatospectrophotometry. We determined that husk of A. pontica contains 12 phenolocarbonic acids (3 were identified: chlorogenic, caffeic and m-hydroxycynnamic acids) up to 4,6%, 10 flavonoids (6 were identified: rutin, quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, baicalein, quercetin-rhamnoside) up to 3,4%. The polysaccharide complex is represented by water-soluble polysaccharides up to 13,7% and pectin-type substances up to 1,7%. Keywords: Artemisia pontica L., husk, flavonoids, the polysaccharide complex Aliev A.M., Zilfikarov I.N., Stepanov G.V., Guseynova Z.A. Analysis of supercritical CO2-extracts of sage In the work are presented the chemical analyses for supercritical CO2 extracts of Salvia Officinalis L. obtained at pressures 10, 20, and 30 MPa and a constant temperature 31,5 oC, and is shown a composition and a correlation of general compound classes in the extracts. The dynamics of extraction of different compound classes from dried leaves of Salvia Officinalis L. is determined. An influence of the pressure on the extract phase redistribution. Keywords: Sage, Salvia Officinalis L., analysis, supercritical extract, dynamics Plaksina I.V., Sudachkova N.E., Romanova L.I., Milyutina I.L. Phenolic compounds seasonal dynamics in Pinus silvestris L. and Pinus sibirica Du Tour inner bark and needles at different planting densities The investigation of phenolic compounds seasonal dynamics in needles and inner bark of 25-year trees of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus sibirica from plantation with different initial densities (0.5, 128 th/h) located in south taiga zone of Central Siberia was carried out. It was found that in the high density plantation the total and water-soluble phenolic compounds content was decreased. Maximum of phenolic compounds in inner bark of trees from closed stands was observed in august, in free-stand trees – in July. No differences in phenolic compounds seasonal dynamics in needles under phytocenotic stress impact were found. The part of water-soluble phenolic compounds in inner bark increased in September until 80% in free-stand trees and 90% in trees from closed stands. Keywords: Phenolic compounds, Pinus silvestris L, Pinus sibirica Du Tour, inner bark, needles, planting density. Yunusova F.M., Ramazanov A. Sh., Yunusov K.M. Determination of the biologically active substances in fruit buckthorn of Dagestan populations The subject of this study is the fruit and oil derived from them, buckthorn of Dagestan populations. The purpose of the work was to identify concentrations of biologically active substances in fruit buckthorn depending on the height of their growth, as well as identifying the most promising areas for collecting. To do so, in determining the content of fruit vitamin C, flavonoids, organic acids, tanning agents, the content of bold oils, as well as the amount of carotenoids in oil. We traced the dependence of the accumulation of vitamin C in fruit buckthorn depending on the height of location. Investigated samples differ quite a high content of biologically active substances and fatty oils. Detected the most favorable area for the collection - a neighborhood village Gergebil. Determination of biologically active substances in vegetative extracts by methods of visual titration, HLPC and stripping voltammetry was carried out. On the base of the received results the possibility of considered methods using for determination of those substances in plant extracts is shown. Keywords: plant extracts, vitamins, biologically active substances, HLPC, stripping voltammetry, analysis Sizova N.V. The Decrease in the Concentration of Tocopherols in the course of Oxidation of Fatty Oils The decrease in the content of natural antioxidants-tocopherols (of vitamin E) in vegetable oils in the course of their oxidation has been determined using microcalorimetry. Based on the capability of the tocopherol to inhibit the reactions of radical liquid-phase oxidation, the microcalorimetry falls into the category of kinetic methods for the determination of vitamin E. It has been demonstrated with the reaction of initiated cumene oxidation that the concentration of tocopherols tends to zero in the course of accelerated oil oxidation in air at a high temperature in 30 days. The proposed method can be used to control an oxidation level of oils. Keywords: radical oxidation, edible oils, natural antioxidants - tocopherols, vitamin E analysis. Sisoeva M.A., Habibrahmanova V.R., Gamaiourova V.S., Shaehova N.K., Halitov F.G. Research of the colloidal chaga water extracts. XII. The precipitation dispersed phase chaga water extract when change pH ambiences (medium) It was organized consequent sedimentation of the dispersed phase chaga water extract by change of pH ambiences. There were received polyphenoloxycarbon complexes (PPC). It was quantified the amounts phenolic substances, carbohydrate, protein, including in these PPC under their sedimentation. There are were received electron and infrared spectrums of PPC, and was determined their antioxidant activity. Keywords: chaga, water extract, polyphenoloxycarbon complex (PPC), electron and infrared spectroscopy, antioxidant activity Aeshina E.N., Plynckaya G.А., Velichko N.А. Aminoacids structure of fibers above graunds of a part Orthilia secunda (L). Orthilia secunda (L) this long-term grassy plant the representative of family Pyrolaceae. The given kind of phlory of Siberia is a potential source of valuable biologically active substances. The purpose of work was the study of dynamics of vegetative fibers in the period vegetation of a plant. As the properties of fibers are defined included in its structure aminoacids, was of interest study aminoacids of structure of fiber. On the data of national medicine Orthilia secunda (L) has against of iflammatied properties and is widely used at treatment of various diseases. However items of information on chemical structure of a plant are not numerous, and do not give a complete picture about mechanisms of influence on organism of the man. The general contents of fiber in researched tests defined with the help of dye amido-black 10В on a standard technique. Aminoacids structure of fibers defined on the automatic analyzer of aminoacids ААА 339 М (MIKROTECHNA, Czechia). Thus, as a result of the carried out researches dynamics of the total contents of fiber in the summer period was investigated. The greatest total contents of fiber was established in August, and its biological value in July. Is determined aminoacids structure of fiber and the significant quantitative changes in the contents of aminoacids are established depending on time of the tax. Keywords: Orthilia secunda (L), research, change, contents of fiber, structure of aminoacids. Abbasova Z.Q., Mamedova Z.A., Mamedov R.M. Introduction some perspective medicinal and volatile OIL BEARING of plants in Mardakan arboretum In this article, it is mentioned that this species; Ruta graveolens L., Rosmarinus officinalis L and Myrtus communis L. are cultured and learning their bioecological features. Etheric oils are produced by hydroetilation, using volatile solvents or water distilation methods. Etheric oils are analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography method. Searched species etheric oils include komfen, borneol, sesquiterpenes, β-pinen, limonene, t-cineole and such as this copmonents. This plants are used in industry’s different departments with learning medicinal and with etheric oil fertile plant’s introduktion and bioecological features. Keywords: Introduktion, Etheric oil, Ruta graveolens L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Myrtus communis L., Herb Vardanyan R.L., Vardanyan L.R., Harutyunyan R.S., Atabekyan L.V., Karamyan E.G., Sahakyan N.B. Kinetic regularities of the lecithine oxidation and its stabilization The kinetic of the lecithin oxidation in chlorobenzin solution have been studied. It has been set that lecithin oxidizes radically by a chain mechanism at the temperature of 55–80 °C. The parameter of lecithin oxidation (the ratio of constants of reaction velocity of duration and the breakings of chains) depending on the temperature has been measured as well. With the purpose of the lecithin stabilization it is proved possible to use both ionol and the extract of seeds of cow-parsnip. Keywords: lecithin, oxidation, stabilisation, cowparsnip extract Vershinina S.Ed., Vershinin K.E., Kravchenko O.Yu., Chebykin E.P., Vodneva E.N. Element structure of lichens Cetraria Ach. in various regions of Russian Federation Results of definition of element composition of vegetative raw materials of two kinds of lichens of p. Cetrária Ach are presented. The maintenance of 60 chemical elements in the samples collected in 2006–2007 in various regions of Russia has been positioned. It is positioned, that the maintenance of toxic elements does not exceed marginal concentrations; the lichen raw materials can be recommended for use in pharmaceutical and edible productions. Keywords: lichens, element analyses, vegetative raw materials. Zemnukhova L.A., Budaeva V.V., Fedorishcheva G.A., Kaydalova T.I., Kurilenko L.N., Shkorina E.D., Ilysov S.G. Inorganic components of straw and hull of an oats Composition of leach of a shuck and the straw of oats received in different conditions, for the purpose of search of the effective schema of complex processing of an iterated vegetative waste of agriculture is studied. Keywords: ash, rice husk, oats husk, amorphous oxides silicon Vigdorovich V.I., Tanygin A.Y., Tanygina E.D. Colza oil and its refining products protective efficiency in atmospheric corrosion conditions The polyfunctional properties of the low-erucic colza oil refining products are researched, which are used to protect the carbonaceous steel from the atmospheric corrosion. It is shown that the individual sequentially extracted from the colza oil products are more effective than their mixture. The protective action reaches in some cases 99 percent. Such compositions are effective protective materials based on the renewable natural raw materials and without any anticorrosion additives. Keywords: rape-seed oil, phospholipids, soaps, refinement, electrochemical corrosion, protective action, adhesion, moisture absorption. Ermakova M.F., Chistyakova A.K., Shchukina L.V., Pshenichnikova T.A., Medvedeva E.N., Neverova N.A., Belovezhets L.A., Babkin V.A. INFLUENCE OF ARABINOGALACTAN FROM LARCH WOOD ON BREAD-MAKING PROPERTIES OF WHEAT FLOUR AND BREAD QUALITY Arabinogalactan (AG) is a water-soluble polysaccharide with a complex of practically important characteristics: low toxicity, high biological activity (prebiotic, immunostimulative, gastro- and hepatoprotective, etc.) The perspective industrial source of AG is a larch wood with AG content about 20 %. The use of AG in food industry opens the perspectives of development of the new improved food products. It is known that some polysaccharides extracted from plants which macromolecules contain fragments of AG improve the end-use quality of wheat bread. In this work, the influence of AG on technological properties of wheat flour and bread quality was studied. Physical properties of dough was determined using Brabender farinograph measuring water absorbing capacity of flour, dough formation time and resistance to mixing, dough thinning. Bread quality was evaluated using the method of Central laboratory of the State Commission of crops testing according 8 parameters: loaf volume, bread appearance, surface, loaf form, crust color, porosity, elasticity, crumb color and taste. It was shown that the addition of 1% of AG to flour does not significantly change quantity and quality of gluten. The addition of 2% and more of AG slightly but significantly decrease gluten content and elasticity. During mixing of dough with addition of more than 2% of AG physical properties of dough considerably changed: water-absorbing capacity decreased while time of dough mixing increased. The addition of 1% of AG to flour demonstrated a significant improvement of all qualitative parameters of bread. In this case all added AG was fully consumed by yeast during bread baking. After introducing of 2–3% of AG its residual quantity in bread consisted 36–50%, while after the addition of 5% of AG it remains unused in bread. This causes worsening of appearance and organoleptic characteristics of baked loafs. For the improvement of quality of bakery products the addition of 1% of AG to flour may be recommended. At the analysis of district effort components it has been established, that a tangent and normal components of district effort decrease from the center to periphery in an any point of knifes cutting edges crossing. However the normal component decreases more intensively, than a tangent. The law received in expression is confirmed (the value of sliding factor for curvilinear form of knifes), in view of quantitative and qualitative components of district effort for the curvilinear form knifes. Have found out that the increase in sliding factor from the center to periphery depends on radius, a corner, and also from the form of a cutting edge. Character of sliding factor change for sets with the curvilinear form of knifes can be set with the help of value of an entrance corner, that in turn will allow to direct process beating aside receptions of desirable result, i.e. aside cabins of a fiber or its fibrillation. In the paper there are given the results of the up-grading the capacious apparatus with the helicoid-type rotor to solve the problem in achieving the demanded efficiency providing the production of qualitative actinomycetes. The experimental studies proved the reliable and effective work of the capacious apparatus after up-grading as fermenter to produce qualitative actinomycetes. Keywords: actinomycetes, biological preparation, homogeneity, helicoid, probing, body, concentrations, cultivation, morphology, up-grading, slat, cavity, rotor, substratum, suspension, trajectory, fermenter, circulation, strain. Smolin A.S., Shabiev R.O., Jakkola P. The research of zeta potential and cationic demand of chemical and mechanical pulps The article devoted to the study of zeta potential and cationic demand correlation being depended on different kinds of pulp, storage time, degree of beating and cationic starch additions with wide range degrees of substitution. Obtained results are good agreed with common expressions of fibrous hydro suspensions as being coarse colloidal heterogenic systems. There are at least two results of deep concern: at first, the zeta potential increasing of chemical pulps with cationic starch consumption more then 10 kg per ton; at second, the constant cationic demand value with growing degree of beating for sulphate bleach pine pulp. To explain the reason of electro kinetic behaviors observed, authors proposed a hypothesis of oriented solvent adsorption taking place onto cellulosic macromolecules. Given datum are able to utilize for further investigations taking focus on Wet End electro kinetic interactions of paper pulp and for development of new assessment approaches. . Научное издание ХИМИЯ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО СЫРЬЯ 1 • 2009 телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций Свидетельство о регистрации ПИ №77-16614 от 24.10.2003. Литературный редактор: Л.И. Базина Издательство Алтайского государственного университета: 656049, Барнаул, пр. Ленина, 61 Изд. лиц. ЛР 020261 Подписано в печать 20.03.2008. Формат 60 84/8. Бумага типографская. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 24,1. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ 30 Цена свободная Типография Алтайского государственного университета : 656049, Барнаул, ул. Димитрова, 66 * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. 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