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Урок по предмету “Английский язык” в 11 классе “Будущая профессия”
Дроздова Екатерина Леонидовна, учитель английского языка второй категории ГУО «Средняя школа №28» г. Могилёва.
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний, умений, навыков.

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы.

Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся осознанно будут выражать и аргументировать свою точку зрения в рамках данной темы, улучшат навыки и умения использования активной лексики на уроке, приобретут необходимые умения составления резюме для приёма на работу.


-обучающая: активизировать использование активной лексики при выполнении коммуникативных упражнений и систематизировать употребление основных видовременных форм глагола при построении монологических и диалогических высказываний; продолжить совершенствование умений работы с аудиотекстом; обеспечить продуктивное усвоение при выполнении тренировочных упражнений следующих лексических единиц: “marital status”, “objective”, “references” при приведении в нужную последовательность составных частей резюме и, непосредственно - при составлении резюме; закрепить и активизировать употребление существительных “profession”, “trade”, “post” “unskilled job”, “career”; “wages”, “salary”, “bonus”, “employment”, “employee”, “employer”, “staff”; прилагательных, характеризующих работу –“challenging”, “demanding”, “tedious”, “monotonous”, “rewarding”, “motivating”, учить школьников полноценно пользоваться английским языком во всех видах речевой деятельности в разных сферах его применения.

-развивающая: способствовать овладению учащимися основными способами мыслительной деятельности (сравнение, анализ, обобщение) и формированию умений планировать своё коммуникативное поведение; развитие слухопроизносительных навыков; создавать условия для активного взаимодействия, развития аналитического, ассоциативного и критического мышления; языковой догадки, умения выбора языковых и речевых средств для выражения собственного мнения, сравнения и анализа различных мнений, развитие у учащихся навыков работы в парах и группах.

-воспитательная: формирование положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры речи и этикета общения, умений слушать и слышать партнёра в процессе речевой деятельности, достигать взаимопонимания в учебном взаимодействии, формирование осознанного подхода к необходимости выбора будущей профессии.

Задачи для учащихся:

- учиться высказывать свою точку зрения на английском языке;

-учиться применять полученные знания на практике;

-учиться работать в парах и группах;

- овладение учащимися умениями неподготовленной речи на английском языке.

Методы: коммуникативный, проблемный, практический, репродуктивный.

Оборудование урока: магнитофон с диском MP3 “Английский язык. Аудиопрактикум: для школьников и абитуриентов” / И.И. Панова и др. - Минск: Выш. шк., 2010., раздаточный материал: дидактические карточки с текстом резюме, с лексическими упражнениями, презентация PowerPoint (изображения представителей различных профессий на этапе совместного определения темы и цели урока; лексические задания с правильными вариантами для самопроверки учащихся), стенгазета «Профессии», кластеры с аспектами будущей профессии.

Лексический материал: to apply for a job, applicant, application, CV, employment, employer, employee, staff, bonus, salary, wages, profession, trade, career, post, challenging, demanding, rewarding, tedious, monotonous, motivating, marital status, references, to work as, experience, skills, to hire, to employ.

Грамматический материал: видовременные формы глагола, изученные ранее; употребление сложных предложений с фразами, необходимыми для высказывания и аргументирования собственной точки зрения: as far as I am concerned, firstly, secondly, in my view, to my mind, on the one hand, … on the other hand, nevertheless.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационно-мотивационный этап. Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения. (3 мин.)

Цель этапа (ожидаемый результат): создание психологической готовности класса к уроку и психологического комфорта на уроке.

Задачи этапа: подготовить учащихся к работе, осуществить совместное целеполагание, создать ситуацию успеха, обеспечить условия для активного взаимодействия.

Содержание урока



Greets the students. Before announcing the topic of the lesson encourages the learners to look at the presentation slides and ask what the topic of the lesson is going to be according to the slides;

Encourages students’ thinking about the aim of the lessons ,so that the students themselves could make suggestions about the lesson aim. Declares the aim of the lesson, adding some more information to what the students have already offered.

Asks which of the professions appeals to them and asks them to explain why it’s so. This will let them think in English in a relaxed way and create interest in the lesson. The teacher might want to express her own opinion to show interest in the topic.

Respond, make suggestions about the topic of the lesson, make suggestions about the aim of the lesson, answer the questions and share personal experience.

Примечание: используется презентация (1, 2, 3 слайды в документе Drozdova_dadatak1)

II. Речевая разминка. (3 мин.)

Цель этапа: активизация лексики по теме в устной речи, навыков и умений устной речи, совершенствование умений неподготовленной речи на изучаемом языке.

Содержание урока



Rendering the students to the presentation slide 4 and the poster with the representatives of different professions at the blackboard, asks them to give the names of occupations, related to: teaching, health care, law, business, industry, management, mass media, science, services, art, manual work.

Respond and answer the questions .

III. Основной этап: а) говорение. (7 мин.)

Цель этапа: совершенствование умений построения грамотного речевого высказывания.

Задача этапа: создать условия для активного взаимодействия, совершенствование умений грамотного высказывания собственной точки зрения и её аргументирования, развитие умения выбора языковых и речевых средств для выражения собственного мнения.

Содержание урока



Divides students into three groups.

  1. Hands out the cards with key words. Asks the students to compile a list of jobs, requiring: a good qualification, rich imagination, an attractive appearance, a refined taste, a quick mind, self-discipline, tolerance , a fine sense of humor.

Note: each group is given a card, in which the following key words are written: a good qualification, rich imagination, an attractive appearance, a refined taste, a quick mind, self-discipline, tolerance, a fine sense of humor.

  1. Hands out the cards with key words and phrases. Asks the students to discuss in small groups, in what jobs a person has to observe these requirements: be elegant, read a lot, travel, be brave, speak many languages, wear a uniform, stand a lot, sit all day, work at night.

Note: each group is given a card, in which the following key phrases are written: be elegant, read a lot, travel, be brave, speak many languages, wear a uniform, stand a lot, sit all day, work all night.

Discuss in groups, respond, compare the answers, make conclusions, feedback.

Make suggestions, make conclusions, respond, compare the answers feedback.

б).Восприятие речи на слух. (7 мин.)

Цель: продолжить совершенствование навыков и умений восприятия речи на слух.

Задача: активизировать применение лексических и грамматических навыков при восприятии речи на слух.

Содержание урока



1.Hands out the cards with the task. Asks the students to listen to people, talking about the jobs they used to have and the jobs they have now and to tick their present jobs.

Note: MP3 is used;

the task in the card is the following: Listen to people, talking about the jobs they used to have and the jobs they have now and tick their present jobs.

1. a) a nurse b) a social worker

2. a) a shop-assistant b) a librarian

3. a) a bank clerk b) a computer programmer

4. a) a mechanic b) a lorry driver

5. a) an office manager b) a university lecturer

6. a) a driver b) a tour guide

2.Hands out the list of professions to the students. Asks to listen to people, talking about what they do at work and tick their occupations.

Note: the task in the card is the following: Tick the names of professions, people are talking about. Some professions are odd in the list.

An architect, a guide, an estate agent, a model, a receptionist, a secretary, a social worker, a postman, an actor, a nurse, a driver, a banker, a cook.

Listen, think over and tick the right variant.

Listen, think over and tick the right variant.

Примечание: Appendix 2. (Drozdova_dadatak2-listening texts)

в). Работа с составлением резюме о приёме на работу. (5 мин.)

Цель: закрепить применение ранее приобретённых навыков составления резюме , обеспечить практические навыки для его составления при будущем приёме на работу.

Задача: развитие умений расстановки пунктов и информации в резюме, активизация лексических и грамматических навыков при работе с резюме.

Содержание урока



Hands out the CV to the students and encourages them to arrange its parts in right order. (Drozdova_dadatak3)

Makes sure they remember the meanings of the terms “marital status”, “objective”, “references”, “additional skills”.

Encourages the students to pay attention to the PowerPoint slide 5 with the CV model. (see the document Drozdova_dadatak1)

Note: it is necessary for the students to remember that there is a certain order of CV paragraphs, which an applicant should follow. First of all: a CV must be written on a sheet of paper A4 and one writes his first name and surname, complete postal address, telephone, fax number and e-mail address. (it’s important that flat and house number are written before the name of the street.)

Secondly, applicant’s personal information is reported: date of birth and marital status.

Then, with one-line interval, the objective for the post is written.

Next paragraph implies writing about work experience. Applicant’s latest position and post are put down, then all data about one’s previous posts in a reverse order are reported. One’s accomplishments and job promotion are mentioned as well.

Then the data about applicant’s education are put down in a reverse order.

Next paragraph includes data about additional skills and interests.

It’s important to mention that we don’t use the personal pronoun “I”, but impersonal sentences are used instead “did the project, accomplished the job”, etc.

Verbs in the Present Simple Tense are used in the first item of the paragraph about working experience, the rest of the items of the paragraph require the Past Simple usage.

Do the task ,consult with each other, respond and feedback.

Примечание: Appendix 3 (Drozdova_dadatak3), appendix 1(the presentation, slide 5).

г). Работа с лексикой. (10 мин)

Цель: совершенствование лексических навыков.

Задача: способствовать усвоению и дифференциации лексических единиц при выполнении подстановочных лексических упражнений.

Содержание урока



Hands out lexical tasks and explains what to do in them.

  1. Complete each sentence by using a word from the box.

Note: the card with the tasks and the PowerPoint slides with right answers for the students’ self-checking are in the document Drozdova_dadatak1(slide 6,7,8), Drozdova_dadatak4.

It is necessary for the students to revise the difference between the two notions “salary” (fixed regular monthly payment for work, especially to someone in a profession) and “wages” (always used in plural; money earned for work done, usually paid daily or weekly);

Makes sure that the students remember the meaning of the notion “bonus”(an extra payment beyond what is usual, necessary or expected).

Note: slide 6 is used for the students’ self-checking.

Also it is important to distinguish between such notions as “employer” (a person or group that employs others), “employee” (a worker, a person who is employed), “employment” (the act of employing or state of being employed) and “staff” (the group of workers who do the work of an organization).

Note: slide 7 is used for students’ self-checking.

It’s necessary to revise with the students the usage in context of such notions, as “job” (it is what you do to earn living or the particular type of work that you do), “post” or “position”(the particular job that one has in a company or organization and these notions are used mainly in formal styles and often refer to jobs which have a lot of responsibility), “career” (it is your working life, or the series of jobs that you have during your working life; it is also the particular kind of work for which you are trained and that you intend to do for a long time), “trade” ( a type of work in which you do or make things with your hands), “profession”(a type of work such as medicine, teaching, or law which requires a high level of training or education), “work” (a job you are paid to do or activity that you do regularly).

Students should constantly keep the definition of these notions in mind, for there are different tasks in centralized testing, concerning these notions.

Note: slide 8 is used for students self-checking.

  1. Choose synonyms to the following words from the words, given below.

Note: slide 9 is used for students self-checking.

  1. Asks the students, what adjectives can describe any job.

Encourages students to do the following exercise.

Note: the students need to know the difference between the meanings, describing any job:

a challenging job tests person’s abilities and keeps him motivated;

one has to do exactly the same thing every day, when a job is monotonous;

a job is rewarding, when it makes one happy because it is thought to be useful and important;

a person has a motivating job when the kind of work he does and the people he works with make him want to work harder;

a demanding job has very high pressure, requires a lot of skills and one has to work long hours;

a person’s job is tedious, when everything takes a long time and it’s boring.

Note: slide 10 is used for students self-checking.

4. Asks the difference between the notions “trade”(a skilled manual job requiring on-the-job and other training), “profession” (a job that require considerable training and / or qualifications and ‘unskilled job”. And then encourages students to do the task in differentiating those notions.

Do the task ,consult with each other in pairs, respond, self-checking and feedback.

Do the exercise, respond.

Do the exercise, self-checking, feedback.

Do the task, respond, self-checking.

Answer the question.

Do the exercise, consult with each other.

Tell about the difference in using the notions, then do the exercise.

Примечание: Appendix 4.(Drozdova_dadatak4)

IV.Итоговая часть.

Цель этапа: обобщение материала урока. (5 мин.)

Задача этапа: создать условия для развития аналитического и критического мышления учащихся.

Содержание урока



Note: slide 11 (Drozdova_dadatak1)with the representatives of different professions is in the background.

Sums up the lesson material: encourages students to explain the difference between work, job, profession, trade, career; salary and wages; employer, employee, staff. Encourages students to name the right order of the CV parts .(slide 5 is used)

Shows the cluster, which has been prepared in advance and the copies of it are handed out to each pair of students. Only the central part of the cluster is known to them and it is- “My future profession”, they need to fill in the rest of empty parts. Encourages students to fill it in, for these aspects are important every time they are going to speak about their future profession.

Note: slide 12 (Drozdova_dadatak1) is used for the students’ self-checking.

Explain the difference between the notions, name the CV parts.

Make suggestions, share their opinions in pairs, while filling the cluster in, respond, feedback.

Примечание: Аppendix 5.(Drozdova_dadatak5), slide 12 in Drozdova_dadatak1.

V. Домашнее задание; выставление отметок (2 мин)

Цель этапа: осознанный выбор домашнего задания, оценить деятельность учащихся на уроке.

Задача этапа: объяснить домашнее задание, подготовить учащихся к успешному выполнению домашнего задания; выставить отметки.

Содержание урока



Explains the home task: to prepare the topic about the future profession, using the information from the cluster as a plan for the topic.

Gives marks for the lesson.

Write down their homework , ask questions if something is not clear, discuss how they are going to do their homework.

VI. Рефлексия (3 мин.)

Цель этапа: осознание учащимися актуальности знаний, полученных на уроке, обращение познаний ученика на самого себя, на свой внутренний мир.

Задача этапа: содействовать развитию способности к обобщению, формулировке выводов, рефлексивных навыков.

Содержание урока



Asks students if they consider their lesson to be useful, what they have learnt, how they can use the information of the lesson in real life .

Respond, analyze, share their impressions.

Appendix 2. Аудиотекст 1:

1. Yes, I really like my new job. I find it’s more interesting being a nurse than a social worker.

2. The job at the library was too boring. Now I work in a shop and I meet lots of interesting people.

3. Well, I don’t work with computers any more in my new job. I work with money. That’s much more interesting.

4. The thing I didn’t like about being a driver was the long trips away from home. The garage where I’m working now is just five minutes away.

5. It’s different working in an office from working at college. But I like it. I don’t want to correct students’ homework.

6. Well, my salary was higher when I was a driver, but I do get a lot of money in tips. I love my job.

Аудиотекст 2:

1. Well, when people come in to borrow some money from the bank, I have to talk to them and ask them a lot of questions, about who they are, where they work, how much money they have and so on.

2. I meet the guests at the airport and drive them to their hotel.

3. I spend most of my day in front of the typewriter. We have so many letters to send out every day.

4. Well, my job is to find the right kind of house for people. They tell me the kind of house they want to buy and I try to find them something suitable which is for sale.

5. The first thing I have to do every morning is to go round and give everyone their post.

6. It’s an interesting job, but I often have to work long hours at the hospital. Sometimes I start at eleven in the morning and work through till ten in the evening.

7. I love my work. I’m able to wear all sorts of strange and beautiful costumes, and it’s exciting to see photographs of myself in the theatrical magazines.

8. I’ve always wanted to do this kind of work. I love cars and engines.

Of course, it’s quite dirty work, but the money’s good.

Appendix 3.

Parts of the resume are jumbled up and lack headings. Put them in the right order with proper headings.

University of North Dakota

May 2005 M. A. Degree

May 2002 B. A. Degree

Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher

Multicultural teaching experience

Web management skills; digital audio and video

13 September, 1971

National cuisines, cooking


Autumn 2004-present

Kindergarten teacher, Kindergarten, Grand Forks

Developed and conducted classroom in both Spanish and English lessons

Summer 2000- Autumn 2002

Hospital tutor, University of North Dakota Medical Centre

Developed learning stations in reading and science.

Appendix 4.

Задание 1.

Complete the sentences, using the words from the box.

a).Wages, salary, bonus.

1. The ______ isn’t fantastic-about 20,000 a year but the work is rewarding.

2. The company made a huge profit this year and so all the stuff were given a ____.

3. I’m a waiter and I get paid every Friday. The ____ aren’t very high but you can earn a lot of tips if you do your job well.

b). Employment, unemployment, employer, employee, staff (2) .

1. ________ is a major social problem.

2. Being a housewife is a full-time _____.

3. The company has a ____ of nearly 600 ______.

4. I wouldn’t describe the factory owner as a very generous ______.

5. It’s a great hotel and the _____ are very friendly.

c). Career, post, profession.

1. My sister has applied for the ______ of head of human resources at a multinational company based in Berlin.

2. Nursing is a rewarding _______, but one which is not usually very highly paid.

3. It’s difficult for a woman to have a successful ______ and bring up young children at the same time.

Задание 2.

Match the synonyms in two columns.

1. to be out of job /work.

a. profit

2. To hire, to engage

b. to achieve

3. To reach

c. to manage

4. income

d. to dismiss

5. to direct, lead, guide

e. to employ

6. to fire, to sack.

f. to be unemployed

Задание 3.

Adjectives, describing job.

Match the highlighted words with their meaning.

1. My job is very challenging.

a. Everything takes a long time and it’s boring.

2. I’m a cashier in a supermarket. I quite enjoy my job, but it can be a bit monotonous.

b. I have to do exactly the same thing every day.

3. I’m a primary school teacher. I think working with young children is very rewarding.

c. It makes me happy because I think it’s useful and important.

4. I work in a small graphic design company, and I find my job really motivating.

d. It tests my abilities and keeps me motivated.

5. Being a surgeon is very demanding.

e. It’s very high pressure, requires a lot of skill and you have to work long hours.

6. I work in the Passport Office. My job is incredibly tedious.

f. The kind of work I do and the people I work with make me want to work harder.

Задание 4.

Here are some professions, trades and unskilled jobs. Arrange them in the appropriate groups.

Lawyer, dentist, hairdresser, mechanic, architect, farmer, vet, librarian, police officer, refuse collector, accountant, engineer, scientist, firefighter, tailor, dressmaker, cleaner, electrician, plumber, carpenter, builder, designer.

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