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Вариант 1
1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Не said, “I will always remember my first day working at the Excelsior Food Company.”

  1. She wanted to know, “Are you going to reduce the volume of production?”

  2. He asked them, “Where will you go in summer?”

  3. He remarked, “New machines are being installed in our department.”

  4. She wondered, “What kind of cheese do you prefer?”

2. Подчеркните объектный и субъектный инфинитивный обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Gugliemo Marconi seems to have stolen the idea of the radio from Nikola Tesla.

  2. They asked me to buy milk and a sliced bread for them.

  3. Excessive boiling causes vitamins to destroy.

  4. A big cup of strong coffee with a croissant is considered to be a typical French breakfast.

  5. Dolly is known to be the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.

3. Употребите соответствующую форму герундия или инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Ancient people obtained food by … (hunt), … (fish), and … (gather).

  2. … (install) technology effectively requires … (understand) the way it will affect a country's economic, political, and social values.

  3. Technology is concerned with … (make) things happen.

  1. She suggested … (order) pizza.

  2. A coffee machine is known … (invent) in the 20th century.

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The earliest people ate whatever plant food they … find, including wild fruits, mushrooms, nuts, roots, and seeds.

  2. You … start working harder!

  3. Bill cooked the lunch, so you … not expect anything special!

  4. The cat … have taken the fish from the table.

  5. Sorry, but we … to close down the factory.

5. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Найдите в тексте (упр. 6) предложения, в которых они употребляются, и переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

livestock, food preservation, a well-balanced diet, ready-to-cook foods, storage

6. Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его на русский язык. Письменно переведите 6 и 7 абзацы.

The location, climate, and physical features of a region determine what the people of that region eat. In general, people who live on islands or along seacoasts depend heavily on foods from the ocean. People who live far from the sea rely mainly on livestock or grains for food. People of tropical areas can grow a variety of fruits and vegetables the year around. People who live in cool regions, which have a short growing season, depend on such crops as grains or potatoes. Terrain and soil also help determine what crops the people of a region can grow. For example, corn grows best on level, open fields with rich, well-drained soil. Rice grows best in lowland areas where the soil holds water well.

Although geography still strongly influences what people in many parts of the world eat, its importance has declined – especially in industrial countries. The development of faster transportation and of modern methods of food preservation enables many people to eat foods produced in distant lands. For example, people in numerous countries enjoy bananas from Ecuador, olives and oranges from Spain, dairy products from New Zealand, and sardines from Norway. In addition, many farmers have learned how to grow crops in unfavorable areas. Where land is hilly, for example, they might carve strips of land out of the hillsides. In dry areas, farmers might use irrigation. In areas with cold winters, they might grow certain fruits and vegetables in greenhouses during the winter.

The variety and amount of food that people have to eat depend largely on their country’s economy. But even in the richest countries, some people cannot afford a good diet, and others simply choose to eat foods that are not nourishing. On the other hand, some people in the poorest countries have a well-balanced diet.

Most developed countries can produce all the food their people need, or the countries can afford to import the extra necessary supplies. The farmers use modern machinery and scientific methods to increase their production. Developed countries also have modern facilities to process, transport, and store food.

In highly developed countries, most families can afford to buy a variety of foods, and they are more likely to have a well-balanced diet. Their diet is rich in meat, eggs, and dairy products. They also eat large amounts of grain products and of fresh and preserved fruits and vegetables. They also enjoy the convenience of prepared or ready-to-cook foods. In addition, they often dine at restaurants or buy food from take-out restaurants to eat at home.

Most developing countries seldom produce enough food for all their people. In addition, the countries cannot afford to import the extra supplies they need. Many farmers are too poor to buy fertilizers, machinery, and other materials that would increase their output. Developing countries also lack modern facilities for processing, transporting, and storing food.

In some developing nations, many people suffer from an inadequate diet. They are too poor to buy all the food they need or a wide variety of foods. Millions of families depend on the foods they can produce themselves on small plots of land. Grains and other carbohydrates are the main foods of the majority of people in most developing countries. These foods are the least costly to produce or buy, and they require no refrigeration or other special storage. Meat, milk, and eggs are too expensive for most people. Many families bake their own bread and make most other foods from the basic ingredients. They might even grind grain into flour to make their bread.

7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What does the text deal with?

  2. What are the main factors that determine what people eat?

  3. How does geography influence people’s diets?

  4. How does the economy of a country determine the amount and variety of food that people eat?

8. Напишите краткую аннотацию текста на английском языке, используя следующие фразы:

The text is on ...

It is important to point out that ...

In conclusion it should be added that ...

Вариант 2
1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Не said, “I will never forget my first day working at their company.”

  2. She wanted to know, “Are you going to dismiss these workers?”

  3. He asked them, “When will you go on holiday?”

  4. He remarked, “New recipes are being tested in our department.”

  5. She wondered, “What kind of coffee do you prefer?”

2. Подчеркните объектный и субъектный инфинитивный обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Fiber is thought to help prevent certain intestinal diseases.

  2. They advised me to avoid butter, eggs, fatty meats, and other foods high in cholesterol.

  3. Some preservation methods require the food to be sealed after treatment to prevent recontamination with microbes.

  4. Pizza is considered to be the national dish of Italy.

  5. In-vitro meat is likely to be mass-produced in future.

3. Употребите соответствующую форму герундия или инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. A traditional British way of … (preserve) meat is by … (set) it in a pot and … (seal) it with a layer of fat.

  2. Nowadays many people worry about … (become) overweight and watch what and how much they eat.

  3. By about 8000 B.C. people had begun … (raise) animals and plants for food.

  4. The rest of us had finished … (eat), but John cut himself another slice of cheese.

  5. The Scotsman Alexander Bell is considered … (invent) the telephone.

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. In commercial pickling, a preservative like sodium benzoate … also be added to enhance shelf life.

  2. Fruit in brandy or other spirits … not be confused with fruit flavored spirits such as cherry brandy.

  3. I saw him an hour ago. So he …still be in his office now.

  4. … she have cooked this delicious dish? She has never cooked anything!

  5. If the situation does not improve, we … to close down the factory.

5. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Найдите в тексте (упр. 6) предложения, в которых они употребляются, и переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

customs, flavour, a spicy sauce, cookery, utensils

6. Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его на русский язык. Письменно переведите 6, 7 и 8 абзацы.

Customs influence what people eat and how they prepare, serve, and eat foods. Many countries and regions have traditional dishes, most of which are based on locally produced foods. In many cases, the dishes of various cultures include the same basic ingredients. But different seasonings and cooking methods give the dish a special regional or national flavor.

Many people consider France to be the world center of fine foods and cookery. French chefs are especially known for their elaborate dishes with rich sauces and for their fancy pastries. Perhaps the most famous English dish is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, a batter pudding baked in beef juices. Italy is known for its spaghetti, macaroni, and other pastas and for its sauces made with tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil. Sausages, potatoes, cabbage, and beer are common in the German diet. Scandinavians enjoy herring and other fish. They also are noted for their excellent cheeses and many kinds of breads, which range from thin, crisp sheets to dark, heavy loaves.

The Spanish and Portuguese also eat much fish. Their use onions and garlic for seasoning influenced cookery in the Caribbean islands, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America that they colonized. Caribbean cooking features such local fruits and vegetables as plantains (a kind of banana) and cassava (a starchy root). Mexican food is noted for its use of a variety of peppers. Mexicans enjoy flat corn-meal breads called tortillas. They may eat the tortillas plain or wrapped around bits of cheese, meat, and beans to form tacos.

The main food of many people in the Middle East is pita bread, a flat bread made from wheat. For celebrations, people of the region often prepare shish kebab. This dish consists of cubes of lamb, tomatoes, peppers, and onions roasted on a spikelike skewer. Rice is the main dish of many people in Japan, southern China, India, and Southeast Asia. Japanese meals commonly include vegetables, tofu (soybean curd), and raw or cooked fish. Indians and many Southeast Asians enjoy curry. This stewlike dish is made of eggs, fish, meat, or vegetables and cooked in a spicy sauce.

Corn, rice, and other grains are the basic foods of many people in Africa. In Nigeria, food is often cooked in palm oil or peanut oil, and it may be sharply seasoned with red peppers. Many Ethiopians enjoy raw meat in a red pepper sauce.

In some cultures, the way food is served is almost as important as how it is prepared. For example, French and Japanese chefs carefully arrange food to make each dish look beautiful.

Customs also can affect the times when people eat. In most Western cultures, for example, people commonly eat three meals a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dinner, the main meal, is usually eaten in the evening. In rural areas, however, many families eat dinner about noon and have a light supper in the evening. The British add a light, extra meal called tea late in the afternoon. At this meal, they serve strong tea and such foods as biscuits, cakes, or sandwiches.

In most Western cultures, people eat from individual plates and use knives, forks, and spoons. In China and Japan, the people use chopsticks. In many societies, the people eat from a common serving dish and use few utensils. Some people scoop up their food with bread or with their fingers.
7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What does the text deal with?

  2. What are the main factors that determine what people eat?

  3. What kinds of eating customs exist in the United Kingdom?

  4. What is curry?

  5. In what countries do people eat with chopsticks?

8. Напишите краткую аннотацию текста на английском языке, используя следующие фразы:

The text is on ...

It is important to point out that ...

In conclusion it should be added that ...

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