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Государственный университет – Высшая школа экономики
Программа дисциплины [Введите название дисциплины] для направления/ специальности [код направления подготовки и «Название направления подготовки» ] подготовки бакалавра/ магистра/ специалиста

Правительство Российской Федерации
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
"Национальный исследовательский университет
"Высшая школа экономики"

Общеуниверситетская кафедра публичной политики

Программа дисциплины “Международные механизмы защиты прав человека”
International mechanisms of human rights protection”

для направления 03.0200.68«Политология» подготовки магистра

для магистерской программы «Политический анализ и публичная политика» по специализации «Права человека и демократическое управление»

Автор программы:

Кравчук Н.В., кандидат юридических наук, nkravchuk@hse.ru
Одобрена на заседании общеуниверситетской кафедры публичной политики «___»____________ 2011 г

Зав. Кафедрой Н.Ю.Беляева

Рекомендована секцией УМС [Введите название секции УМС] «___»____________ 200 г

Председатель [Введите И.О. Фамилия]

Утверждена УС факультета [Введите название факультета] «___»_____________200 г.

Ученый секретарь [Введите И.О. Фамилия] ________________________ [подпись]

Москва, 2012

Настоящая программа не может быть использована другими подразделениями университета и другими вузами без разрешения кафедры-разработчика программы.

1Scope of the program and compliance with the internal university standards

The present syllabus is aimed at faculty teaching this course, their teaching assistants, and students of the degree program 03.0200.68 ‘Political Science’, master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’ with the specialization in human rights and democratic governing studying the course “International mechanisms of human rights protection”.

This syllabus meets the standards required by:

  • National Research University - Higher School of Economics,

  • degree program 030200.68 ‘Political Science’, master’s program ‘Political Analysis and Public Policy’,

  • Master program curriculum as of 2012.

2Course goals

The course “International mechanisms of human rights protection” has the following goals:

- to provide students with profound knowledge of existing mechanisms of human rights protection on international level, their functions, development, interrelation, effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages;

- to show the importance of international mechanisms of human rights protection in conflict prevention and resolution, restoration of justice, sustainable development, the rule of law and democratic governance;

- to teach master students to chose most effective and reliable instruments for particular cases of human rights violations, evaluate and manage risks, apply appropriate instruments in practice;

- to cultivate the skills of critical assessment of human rights protection on different levels and by different institutions;

- to assess needs and propose public policy actions aimed at improvement of existing human rights mechanisms on institutional and legislative level both internationally and domestically.


By the end of the course, the students are expected:

  • to have a knowledge of the basic human rights treaties, their scope and mechanisms of implementation; interrelation between international and domestic human rights standards and mechanisms of their protection; functions of international and national institutions of human rights protection, their advantages and disadvantages; basic documents of the controlling bodies of the UN and the Council of Europe, tests and approaches elaborated by the European Court of Human Rights in its decision-making; judicial practice of the Russian Constitutional Court and other courts on human rights; procedure for submitting complaints to international and national institutions of human rights protection;

  • to be able to analyze cases of human rights violations and propose mechanisms for restoration of justice; to identify cases of human rights violations an distinguish them from other legal disputes; to apply a balancing exercise in cases of competing human rights; to draft reports and policy papers as a result of fact-finding missions or analysis of complaints, cases, legislation for international and national bodies at their request;

  • to have skills to identify the jurisdiction of the human rights violation and bodies authorized to protect a particular right both on national and international level; to analyze the activities of the domestic and international bodies of human rights protection and their effectiveness; to analyze the compliance of state human rights policy with its international obligations and Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Students’ competences expected by the end of the course:




Teaching methods and forms

Is able to update and develop his/her level of culture and intelligence level


Makes definitions on his/her own, possesses skills to select and adopt new literature on his/her topics of specialization or on interfaces, interprets subjects under the study in cultural, political, social context considering historical and technological changes.

Work without assistance with literature, home works on bibliography and abstracting the literature practice. Classroom discussions,

data retrieval practice using data bases and Internet, essay writing.

Is able to study new research methods without assistance.


Selects and adopts up-to-date scientific literature on research topic without assistance. Has formed the habit to observe regularly new information on the research topic from different sources. Can apply knowledge he/she has adopted through literature or distant education.

Working on his/her own with the course teachers periodical control, writing essays, home works preparation.

Is able to use skills and knowledge to conduct researches, to manage a team, to influence the group goals formulation, to evaluate the results.


Is able to work in team, to manage work stage, to control the tasks are done in time, to set goals precisely and work up phased research plan according to the goals, to complete tasks in time the others charged him/her, to foresee the risks for the plan realization and work up strategy to mitigate it. Is able to evaluate objectively the other colleagues do their job.

Participation in the group work.


Chooses those informational technologies which could be applied to the research, possesses the tools, uses in a creative way contemporary national and foreign experience.

Participation in the group work, writing essays, home works preparation.


Performs the research results according to professional requirements and type of research work.

Homework and team work results presentations.


Chooses appropriate common and specific methods to analyze a research subject.

Participation in the group work, writing essays, home works preparation.


Is able to give definitions for subjects under research, to interpret them referring to the context, to determine processes and issues. Demonstrates the skill to unveil cause-effect relation, is able to prove the goals and research plan chosen for research or expert work.

Participation in the group work, writing essays, home works preparation.

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