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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 8-А класс, общеобразовательный Тюпенкина Людмила Петровна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №68 ЦЕЛИ: РАЗВИВАЮЩИЙ АСПЕКТ - Развитие воображения, способности к логическому изложению, способностей к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, развитие способностей к осуществлению репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых действий. ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ - Формирование потребностей к критическому осмыслению и пониманию проблемы, воспитание убежденности в приоритетности человеческих ценностей, воспитание уважительного отношения к чужому мнению и умение вежливо отстаивать свою точку зрения.. ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ - ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ И СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЕ РЕЧЕВЫХ НАВЫКОВ. СКРЫТЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ УРОВНЯ СФОРМИРОВАННОСТИ РЕЧЕВОГО ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ. РЕЧЕВОЙ МАТЕРИАЛ - продуктивный: ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЙ И ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ 2-Х ЦИКЛОВ. I. ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ КЛАССА. II. ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНАЯ БЕСЕДА. •Some days ago I read a book and today I would like you to read an extract from this book. But you'll read only the beginning of it, and then you should think the end of the story. On the screen " My friend's behaviour was mysterious. In the morning I rang her up and I was told that she was out. In the evening I decided to ring her again, and again I was told that she was not in. It lasted for three days. At last I caught her and asked about this mystery. My friend explained me that..." • What do you think my friend said to me ? • How did she explain it ? • What is you supposing about the explanation of my friend ? • What did she tell me ? •And now listen to the end of the story and let's see who of you was right ? " My friend explained me that there was no mystery about it. She just went in for jogging. She ran every morning and sometimes in the evening too. It kept her fit for the rest of the day. My friend is an example of self-discipline. She invited me to join her and I accepted her invitation." III. —Nowadays people have little physical activities. I think that there are two ways to join sport: to watch or to participate. a And what about you? a Are you for watching or for participating ? • Do you go in for sport ? a How do you enjoy sport ? a What is your favourite kind of sport ? • What is your favourite game ? • Have you ever played tennis ? • How long have you been riding a bike ? • You can't but agree that sport is good for all. How does sport help people ? • What does sport make ? IV. — I see that you understand the importance of sport. For some people sport becomes an essential part in their life. They become professional sportsmen. Where they can show their results and compete with other sportsmen ? (P1,P2,P3) —Yes, they can do it in different competitions, championships, races and of course, during the Olympic Games. What comes to your mind when you hear the words Olympic Games? — What do you imagine ? — And now look at the screen and let's see what the most important words, connected with the Olympic Games ? THE TOUCH
V. -Olympic Games are held in different countries. Imagine that you are the members of the Olympic Council and you should decide what country is the best place for the future Olympic Games. Prove that this country is the best place .( The class is divided into 3 groups; each group choose one of the cards, on which is written one of three countries - Russia, America, and Great Britain.) Don't forget to mention the geographical position , the climate and some sights. VI. —So, we can see that all these countries are good places for the Future Olympic Games .You know that modern Olympic Games have been held since 1896. Let us see when Summer Olympic Games took place in Greece, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and Russia ? The ...Olympic Games were held in ...in ... . ......... took place ........ ......... were staged ........ And now look at the screen and say how many times the Olympic Games took place in the USA; in Greece; in Great Britain; in Australia, Canada and in Russia ? The USA - 4 times; Greece — 3 times; Great Britain — 2 times; Australia — 2 times; Canada — only once; Russia — only once. You can see that Russia is on the third place and why not to have Future Olympic Games in Russia ? VI. You hometask will be connected with the Future Olympic Games in Russia. But imagine that they will be held in 2096. You should prepare a project according to this plan. 1. Competitors 2. The Flag 3. The Flame. 4. The Motto. 5. The Programme of the competitions. 6. Awards. 7. Cartoons. Смотрите также:
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