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2010-2011 учебный год

Урок III

Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку

Ученик (ФИО)

Школа _______________ класс 6 «___»

  1. Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их начальную форму (ед.ч.), переведите полученное слово.

e.g. beds – a bed – кровать

The farm.

Tom`s farm is in the country. There is a farm with flowers round the door and the windows. There are a lot of animals on the farm. There are horses, cows, sheep, hens and pigs. The man near the door is farmer Tom. His wife is working in the garden, and his to two sons are playing in the yard with their dog and four puppies. Tom`s daughter Mary is in the room. She is drawing a picture. There are eight mice and a big cat in the picture.


  1. Прочитайте тексты и заполните таблицу (My favourite character)



Winnie the









  1. He is finny, has many friends. He lives in the forest. He likes honey. He is very friendly. He likes to go to his friends for a visit. He is full of ideas.

  2. He is brave and strong. He lives in the forest among animals. He is the true friend of animals. They love him too.

  3. She is nice. She likes children and children like her. She is full of imagination. She often tells wonderful stories. She likes to travel to imaginary lands. She is famous for magic. She is the best nurse in the world.

  4. She lived in a wonderful country in her dreams. She fell asleep and in her dream she was in Wonderland. She was falling, falling and falling, and suddenly found herself in a large strange room. She had a lot of adventures there.

  5. After a terrible storm he found himself on a desert island. He lived there for 28 years. He had a friend there, who helped him. He is famous for his adventures on a desert island.

  6. He is lazy. He has a long nose. He doesn`t want to go to school. He wants to play all day long. He is very kind. He has many friends. He helps his friends.


III. Прочитайте текст и определите, правильные (true) или непра-

вильные (false) предложения даны после него.

Yesterday Grace woke up at half past seven. She had a shower, drank a cup of tea with cheese sandwiches, got into her car and drove to work.

She found a parking space right outside the office door quite easily. “That`s very strange”, she thought as she walked up to the front door of the building, usually there were a lot of cars outside her office and she usually leaves her car in a street not far from the office.

The door was locked when she tried to open it. That was very strange. She looked at her watch….., it was exactly 9 o`clock! “The door is never locked at 9 o`clock”, she thought. She took out her key and unlocked the door.

As she walked into the office, Grace saw that all the windows were closed. It was summer and the weather was rather warm. Her secretary always opened the windows and curtains in the morning. But Grace`s secretary wasn`t at the desk this morning. “Is there anybody here?” she shouted. There was no answer.

Grace went to her office and sat down behind her desk. What was the matter? Where was everyone? Then she saw the calendar on the desk. “Oh, no!” she cried. “Today is Saturday!”

  1. Grace works in an office.

  2. Grace didn`t eat anything for breakfast.

  3. Grace often parks her car right outside the office.

  4. Grace usually goes to work by bus.

  5. Grace arrived at work later than 9 o`clock.

  6. It was strange that the office door was locked.

  7. Grace had her key to the office door.

  8. Usually the secretary opens the office windows.

  9. Grace thought her secretary was there.

  10. Grace saw her address book on the secretary`s desk.

Grace usually works at weekends.


IV. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу глагола-

ми (have, do, go, run, jump, clean, read, help, get up, come, watch, wash), слова могут употреблятся несколько раз.

Daily Life

I usually … at 7 o`clock in the morning. Then I … to the bathroom to … my face and hands and … my teeth. I … breakfast at 8 o`clock and … to school.

I … home in the afternoon. I … dinner and … for a walk with my dog. We … and …near the house. Then I …home and …my lessons. I help my granny about the house, but I don`t … my father. In the evening I … books or … TV. I … to bed at 11 o`clock.


  1. V. Поставьте вопросы к тексту, используя вопросительные слова

(What, When, Where, How) и вспомогательные глаголы (Do, Does).

Peter Belov

Peter Belov is from Russia, but he lives and works in Britain. He is a footballer. He is 27 and he is happily married. His wife is Russian, too.

They have a son. Peter plays for a British football team. He trains from Monday to Friday. He doesn`t train on Saturdays and on Sundays. Peter speaks English well. But his wife doesn`t. Peter likes reading books in his free time. He has a big library at home.


VI. Повторите тему «My family» и вставьте в пропуски подходящие

по смыслу слова.

My family

My … and my … are my parents. My mother is my father`s …. My

father is my mother`s …. My grandmother and my grandfather are my …

My parents have got three …. : my brother, my sister and me. My ….

name is Mike. My …. name is Ann. I like my family very ….

I have got an aunt and an …. too. They have got two …. They are my

…. My cousins` names are Kate and Nina.


VII. Скачай задание 7. Прослушайте текст и ответьте письменно на вопросы после него.

  1. Why mustn`t you talk to people on trains?

  2. Can you ask people the way in the streets?

  3. Who must you ask for help if you have a problem in London?

  4. Are there only men in police?

  5. Why do the police use cars and motorbikes?


Проверил: Итого: (сумма баллов)

Смотрите также:
Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их начальную форму (ед ч.), переведите полученное слово
Совершенствовать знания о склонении имён прилагательных в единственном числе; формировать умения склонять прилагательные во множественном числе
Тексты для работы на занятии (IV семестр) специальности: бтп, изос уск. Прочтите текст и выполните задания после текста
Русский язык вариант № Задание 1
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на употребление зависимого и независимого (самостоятельного) причастных оборотов
Обратите внимание на слова, относящиеся к разным чувствам
Очевидно, что хард-рок оказал на со­временную музыку наибольшее влияние. Возникнув сначала как стиль, он превра­тился с годами в музыкальную форму
Филологический факультет
Людмила Улицкая Роскошь, доступная каждому №1 / 2009 Слово «благотворительность»
Реферат по теме «Задачи на нахождение молекулярной формулы вещества»
А. Ю. Виноградов «Деяния Андрея и Матфия»: композиция текста и богословие апокрифа
Iii. Что значит всем знакомое слово в переводе с «Вперед смотрящий»