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Интегрированный урок « География + английский язык» Тема «США и Канада - англоязычные страны» ![]() ![]() Форма урока: Интегрированный урок английского языка и географии ![]() ![]()
Учебно-методическое обеспечение:
Цель: Формирование и закрепление системы знаний, умений по теме “США и Канада –англоязычные страны” путем интеграции школьных предметов: английского языка и географии. Задачи: а) образовательная – выявить общие сведения и особенности географического положения США, закрепить использование определенного артикля “the” с географическими названиями США. б) развивающая – продолжить развитие исследовательских, творческих способностей, развитие умения извлекать информацию из нового текста. в) воспитательная – формировать коммуникативные умения, способность работать коллективно, повышать мотивацию к изучению предмета и страны США и Канады. Как сделать урок более интересным, чтобы свои знания и умения проявили как можно больше учеников? Интегрированный урок – одна из самых перспективных методик, так как позволяет эффективно использовать знания из других учебных дисциплин, тем самым расширяя и углубляя их, максимально способствует реализации интеллектуальных способностей детей в комфортной для них обстановке.
Ход урока Учитель географии: Добрый день, ребята. Учитель английского языка : Good morning boys and girls. We are glad to see you, sit down, please. The duty report, please. Дежурный: I am on duty today. It is the 26th of March. All are present. Учитель географии: Сегодня мы проведем необычный урок – интегрированный, на котором объединяются знания из разных учебных предметов. Учитель английского языка: Today we are going to speak about English – speaking countries. What English – speaking countries do you know? (the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).At our lesson there are 2 groups of people: Canadians and Americans. First we are going to visit the USA. Repeat the words: The North American continent, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the USA, Washington, New York, the Cordillera, the Colorado, the Columbia, Huron, Mexico in the South, Canada in the North, the United States of America, the five Great Lakes, the Mississippi, the Gulf of Mexico, the Cordilleras, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, the Great Plains, the Central Lowland, the Mississippi Valley. 4. Учитель географии: В то же время я хочу проверить, как хорошо вы знаете США и Канаду. Вам предлагается обозначить называемые объекты на контурной карте. Учитель английского языка . Please, tell us about the geographical situation of the country. Who will begin? 3.The USA is situated on the North American continent. It is washed by 2 oceans. It is bounded by Canada in the North and Mexico in the South on land. It is bounded by Russia on water. 4. The USA has 3 parts: the Central part, Alaska, the Hawaii. 6. My country is rich in rivers. The longest river is the Mississippi. It flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The Colorado, the Columbia flow into the Pacific Ocean. The Saint Lawrence River and the Hudson River flow into the Atlantic Ocean. 8.In your country there are many cities, aren't there? I want you to name the largest ones. 9.The capital of my country is Washington. I am from the capital. My town is not big. The population is about 1 million people. It is an administrative centre. The highest building is the Capitol. The White House is the residence of the president. Now the President of my country is Baraca Abama. 10. The capital was named in honor of the first President George Washington. It was founded in 1790. In the town there are no sky-scrapers. 11. Sky-scrapers are in my town. It is New York. New York is a big city. The population is 8 million people. New York was founded in 1613. The first name was New Amsterdam. In 1626 it was renamed New York. For 5 years it was a capital of the country (1785-1790). New York consists of 5 districts. It is situated at the mouth of the Hudson river. New York is one of the biggest ports in the world. New York is a multi-national city, the people that live in it speak 75 different languages. One of the sightseeing is Statue of Liberty. It is a present from France. 11(2). А вот теперь самое время отдохнуть и развлечься. Мы в знаменитом, известном во всем мире …, а впрочем, я передаю слово учителю английского языка. Another sightseeing is "Disneyland». It is situated not far from Los Angeles. It was founded in 1955 by Walt Disney. Here you can meet all the heroes of Disney's cartoon films: Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Pluto, Donald Duck and others. 13. It is a flag of my country. It has 13 red and white stripes. The 13 stripes represent 13 states in 1777. Now there are 50 states. You can see 50 stars on the flag. One star for one state. 14.The population of the USA is more than 230 million people. In the country live many people from Europe and Asia, Afro-Americans, Indians, people from Mexico, South American countries. 17. Now you, Canadians, tell us about your country. My country is situated on the North American continent. It is the 3rd largest country in the world. It is washed by 3 oceans: the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean. The capital is Ottawa. My friend Igor is from Ottawa. 18. Please name the largest cities. (Quebec, Ottawa,..........................) 19. Hi! My town is not big. The population is about ////// million people. It is in the south of the country. 20. Here you can see the flag of my country. It has 3 vertical stripes: 2 red and 1 white stripe. On the white stripe there is a maple leaf. The maple leaf is an emblem of the country. 24.I am from Vancouver. This year there were Olympic Games. They were wonderful! You are to be there. We were the first. 25. The national game is hockey. Girls and boys, young and old - all play hockey. That's why we were the first. 26.Niagara Falls is the best natural wonder in the USA. It is visited by many people. Niagara is an Indian word. It means "roaring waters". A mass of water is falling 57 meters down. The noise of the water is heard at a distance of 25 kilometers. Test Name______________________________________ 1. The capital of the USA is…. 1. New York 2. Los Angeles 3. Chicago 4. Washington 1 the .Mississippi 2. the Colorado 3. the Columbia 4. the Hudson River 1. the Appalachian Mountains 2.the Cordillera 3. the Rocky Mountains 4. the Caucasus 1. 48 2. 53 3. 51 4. 50 1. about 230 million people 2. about 256 million people 3. about 145 million people 4. about 232 million people 1. Mexico 2. Russia 3. the USA 4. the UK 1.Vancouver 2. Ottawa 3. Winnipeg 4. Quebec 1. 3 2. 2 3. 4 4. 6 1. The Arctic Ocean 2. The Atlantic Ocean 3. The Indian Ocean 4. the Pacific Ocean Работы сдаются на проверку. Результаты будут объявлены на следующем уроке географии. Смотрите также:
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